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Introspection to get to "Extrospection"

I don’t just feel like the “middle ages” have taken me by surprise, I think they have been lurking in the background for at least the last 10 years just waiting to take a hold and make me question the “universe of everything”.  Do I have the answer to this question? Well that is a definite “hard NO”! 

From being a passionate 20 something that was ready to take on the world and 100% career focused, to a full-time working mum in my early 30s where all of a sudden I was responsible for two young beings and promoted to role of Chief Carer and Chief Entertainer in addition to my “day job”.  Then came along my 40s, well what can I say… this was a phase of introspection on life, love, happiness, relationships and career progression. All of this layered with the intricacies of dastardly hormones (or lack of) that have presented their own unique set of challenges.

This current decade has came with a present of a lockdown (or many) and I since have felt the need to embrace the uncertainty, find solace in rediscovery, and courageously navigate the challenges that come with this remarkable rollercoaster called life.

It's time for me to find the new me while not forgetting what has shaped and influenced my choices to this point in my journey. I am at a place in my life where those dependants are slightly less dependent and I have the good fortune to take a moment in time. I am taking a six month sabbatical from my "9 to 5" to explore "what's out there", try new things, challenge myself or even just be. This my first blog, a place for me to capture those moments in time.

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Feb 06, 2024

Omg I love this and soo relatable! You are such a beautiful writer and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! Stay safe!!!!


Feb 01, 2024

Well done for taking the leap into the unknown and out of your comfort zone, have fun exploring. I look forward to reading all about it and living it through you 😊

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Welcome to the Adventures of a Midlife Maverick. I'm Bindu Sudra, come join me as I embark on a life less ordinary .

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